About the Worm

‘Where books are burned, in the end it is the people who will burn’

Heinrich Heine
It was in west Philadelphia where he was born and raised, on a playground where the Worm did not spend most of his days. Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool; reading various books outside of the school. Of course, the birth of the Worm is not important. What is of note is his continuing quest to read books of all descriptions, types and persuasions. To root out the golden and to pinpoint the ugly, the bad and the ill-deserving of others eyes and time.

Ever since 2009, every year - from July to the following June - the Worm attempts to devour as many books that come into his path. He wholeheartedly enjoys an argument. He also enjoys recommendations to read in the near future; do subscribe and debate the nods! Now, back to the words on the page. As Dickens himself wrote: 'The worm is at his work, and will soon dispose of his victim.'

You can get in contact with letters, requests, arguments: foureyedbookworm@outlook.com